
Circle icon of Keas


(Ages between 5 to 7)

Keas meet up weekly to do activities such as badge work, games etc. Outings are also organised to work towards other badges/projects such as visits to the swimming pools, the library, fire station, etc Over the summer months the emphasis is placed on kayaks and water-based activities, especially safe swimming.

Circle icon of Cubs


(Ages between 8 to 10)

Cubs meet up weekly to do activities such as badge work rope work, games etc. Outings are also organised to work towards other badges/projects such as visits to the swimming pools, the library, fire station, etc. Over the summer months the emphasis is placed on kayaks and water-based activities, especially swimming and raft building.

Circle icon of Scouts


(Ages between 10 to 14)

The programme provided is as wide and varied as possible. Several outdoor tramping/camping weekends are usually arranged each year; there is an annual Sea Scouts Regatta where all troops in the region compete with their sailing skills; on summer evenings training and sailing experience is gained with the use of the Group's Cutter, Sunbursts, Fevas, catamaran and kayaks. Winter months see the children working on badges (covering a wide range of topics, community issues and skills), ropework, first aid, and games plus the inevitable Boat Maintenance under the watchful eye of a local boatbuilder.

Every four years a National Jamboree is held - this means that every Scout has at least one opportunity to attend whilst in the Scouting movement. Scouts gather from around New Zealand and the Pacific in one giant tent city where activities aimed to interest, challenge and excite are provided.

The Scout Leader will provide a more comprehensive joining kit and information once your son/daughter has decided to join. The Group also ensures that all those involved are kept informed of all activities, with the normal Cub/Scout handouts relating to programmes etc.

Circle icon of Venturers


(Ages between 15 to 18)

Venturers' program is as wide and varied as the Venturers are willing to plan for and organise (within reason). Venturers generally meet weekly to do sailing during summer, while in Winter Venturers meet weekly to do activities that they plan and organise while being overseen by the Venturer Leader, and helped out by Assistant Leaders and parents.


Fees are set annually by the parent Committee, taking into account the projected running expenses for the year. An annual levy of $225.00 per youth member is made by the National Scout Association and this is included in the fee set. Fees must help cover the programme costs and some maintenance on building and equipment, insurance, leader training, etc. They cannot hope to cover upgrading and replacement of boats, the ramp, or other major projects. The Annual Fees for any section (Keas, Cubs, Scouts or Venturers) is $300.00 - although pro rata or payment plans can be negotiated.

Because the Committee is mindful of the need to keep the fees as low as is possible, further fund-raising activities are necessary to cover more major items of expenditure. Wherever possible financial assistance is sought from charitable organisations.

From time to time there are parents who feel unable - for one reason or another - to do their share with fund-raising activities. In this case may we suggest that a further financial contribution be made in lieu.

Over and above the annual fee there are special activity fees determined by the activity co-ordinator to cover the costs of running the activity.


Keas / Cubs

Recently the Cub pack changed its uniform to bring it into line with that worn by other Sea Cubs, The uniform is as follows -

  • Shorts (Summer & Winter)
  • Sturdy Shoes
  • Dark Blue Sea Scout Shirt (Scouting Direct)
  • Dark Navy Blue Sweatshirt (Winter)
  • Black Calliope Scarf and White Woggle (supplied at investiture)
  • Black Calliope Cap (Summer and Winter)


  • Navy Blue Shorts & Shirt (Summer & Winter)
  • Black Shoes / Black Socks
  • Dark Blue Sea Scout Shirt (Scouting Direct)
  • Black Calliope Scarf and White Woggle (supplied at investiture)
  • Black Calliope Cap (Summer and Winter)